Monday, June 9, 2014

Our District in Pedro Juan (after Zone ceonference we 4 bought Ice creams together to celebrate me Bday) 

We found a cool secret river in the jungle by our house. Itt is our p'day refuge.

Swings by the Secret River aka the Pday refuge

Sometimes I look at Hermana Santos and shes doing weird things so I take a picture. (come to find out she was trying to summer salt)

Hermana Santos woke up in the middle of the night to bake me a Cake (its hard to surprise your comp when youre together 24 7) 
She woke me up at 4:30am(because we had Zone conference)by singing happy birthday (In english) and handing me this Banana bread cake. I love her. Can I keep her?

We watch movies on Pday (Mostly we just watch Legacy "Legado" over and over.... and over and over, but we LOVE it. David Walker FOREVER!)

Our elders work so hard 
I was so excited that on the bus i opened one package from the land of FUN AND SUN ARIZONA! (Thanks GOATES! PERFECT BIRTHDAY HAPPINESS FOR ME. I LOVED IT)

Package aftermath

We Party Like Rockstars(but also more like missionaries)

Birthday Packages=Joy and Splendor




(They are too good too me)

Mordida.... its tradition

After All the zone conference and the stuff of the day we had Consejo de rama.... but actually it was a secret surrrliiizzzeeee parteee 4 me! 
We were singing the opening hymn of our meeting when BAM I heard a crash and all the lights went out... I thought it was just the Crappy Electricity problems that are normal in YBY YAU so I went to flip the Electricity switch... when I came Back into the room there were Balloons and a paraguayan Piñata and cake and presents and Pizza and People and joy!!!!! The Elders, Leandro and Romina TRULY out did themselves... I love them

(They Busted a Lightbulbtube for the Crash sound effect... it was all very well planned and properly executed)

Along with Sam Rolfe, Max Crittenden and I- Yicely Alonso celebrates her day of birth on the 4th of June... I got so excited when she first told me that I promised to come give her presents and sing to her... Well I never break a promise.
(thanks for the packages because I used some of my gifts as her gifts... I'm a regifter.... 
but hey, I'm a humble missionary- no mas)

Dahiani Alonso
Romina Aquino (soon to be going on a mission!)and Dalila Aguello(the bebe)
Elder Jared Muñoz
Elder Alfredo Benavente
Hermana Ingrid Santos
Leandro Romero
These people are the best people

Also we made a batter and deep fried cheese this week(Long story as to why) was super not healthy but REALLY delicious

Although it seems like all I do is party... I also try to bring the world (Or at least Yby Yau) His truth. Here is a jazzy photo snatched of us in our jungle town