Friday, January 2, 2015

Well since I verbally SPOKE with my peeps on Christmas day, I¨ll save myself some tiempo and spare the dirty deets of all my Christmas. BUT Here is an overview: 
 Here they celebrate christmas on christmas eve like new years. 
They eat a ton of food and set off fireworks and countdown til midnight. (Sidenote: then the next day there are a ton of pictures on the news of people missing hands and stuff) 

We had like a nice awkward dinner with Brian and Noelia Solis (theyre gonna get married) It was iiiight. Then we went home because they were going to go to thier REAL party at 10 so we were in our house pretty early. We went to "rest our eyes" and slept til like 5 minutes before midnight. Then it sounded like WWIII with all the bombas. 

My comp slept on and I went chrtistmas crazy. I watched joy to the world... I wrote santa.... I put cookies out for the Jolly elf.... I finally Crashed. 

 The next day was CHRISTMAS GERMAN PANCAKE BREAKFAST ZONE ECTIVITY OF BAYBLADES AND PINGPONG AND CHRISTMAS STEALING SECRET SANTA GIFT GAME ( I got a 3 cups... LAME) SINGING AS A ZONE AT THE HOSPITAL OPENING PACKAGE EATING CANDY AND CRYING SKYPING FAMILYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VISITING PEOPLE (did not score any food.... was let down) RENDIR AND PLAN NEXT DAY SLEEP Then the week and other stuff happened but my time is up at ciber so.... talk to you next week 

We made cookies for the families that give us lunch

I made a paper version of the CASINO star.... because its a christmas MUST

Rivalry snowflakes

We made Christmas Cookies.... I made the Cyclops because I feel like Rudolph takes a lot of heat for being the only "freak" reindeer

I made German Pancakes for Christmas Breakfast (dutch babies for Pheebs)

Cuando Misioneros quieren una foto del Grupo

Awkward Famliy Photo: Missionary Style

I was taking pictures of everyone and... Elder Ruiz saw me

Christmas Secret Santa steal presents game

Christmas with the hooligans with black tags



Yeah... The shoes came off and I DUELED with Elder Mejia from Ecuador... Just like the 3 wise men in ancient times hahaha Merry Christmas

This year Santa left my presents in this Postage Box! HOLLA!

It was a roller coaster of emotions

In all honesty.... my candy is almost gone already.... but it was christmas... and its what the forefathers would have wanted

Opening Moms special present!!!

Gingerbread (Cardboard) Houses 

We played with the fireworks and explosive that southern south americans lose their hands to every year! YAY CHRISTMAS 

(.....I should have never taught her how to make this! jk. hahaha)

Monday, December 29, 2014

This week is will be Christmas. I have been focusing this Chritmas season on the Dadiva that God The Father sent us. It was a small boy, born in humble circumstances, yet His life is of Catral importance to the Human Race. 
But the birth and death of the Savior was NOT the end of His miracles, wonders or plans to help us.

This week The Savior of the world and Atoner of mine and your sins guided me through His Holy Spirit to read His very testimony and promise that Joseph Smith Jun. was His prophet chosen to restore truth and light and blessings for me and all of the earth. Jesus Christ testifies that Joseph Smith Jun. did only what He, Christ Himself, mandated in D&C Section 20. 

The book that that unschooled, faithful and humble boy brought forth, suffered persecutions for testifying of and eventually died defending is true. I know it. I testify of it. 
The Book of Mormon testifies that Jesus is the Christ. Reading it causes faith in the Lord to grow, heals the sorrows of the souls and secures the truths restored and clearly taught in the Church that is based upon it and the fact that it came forth by the hand of the true and living God of the world. 

Jesus Christ also testifies that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is His and is the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, and that He, the Lord, is well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually (D&C 1:30)

Have faith in His and The Father´s unconditional love for us. Accept their invitations given throughout the history of the Earth to seek and find, knock and have it opened unto you. 
I testify that the Spirit will bear record to your heart. I implore you to faitfully act upon the impressions and answers you recieve from the Holy Ghost. I promise that as you do, God will pour out all of His priceless blessings upon you and your family. I have seen it in my life. I praise God for all He has blesses me with. I love Him for restoring His gospel and all the blessing that came with it for me now and forever. He loves me. He loves you. He asks only for your faith so that he may do His work, His strange work; and bring to pass His act, His strange act (Isaiah 28:21). The act of selflessly loving and giving is indeed strange in this fallen world, but in the eternities it is glorious. Thanks to this act, Thanks to His plan, Thanks to His Atonement, I and my family can be exhalted on high eternally on the condition of repentance and endurance until the end. This is His work and His glory.  

We love him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
He showed His love in times of our fathers. He shows His love now.
He is the same forever. He has loved us since forever and continues to love us now. 

I love my God.
This is why I am so far away from you all. 

I share this testimony and invitation to recieve this same witness from the Spirit as I have, promising you that it is the only way to everlasting happiness and peace, in the name of my Lord and Redeemer, Jesus the Christ,
Hermana Linares is HOME!

We made Christmas cards!

We are awkward... but thats cool

We held a surprise party for the birthday of our investigator. then we had like a testimony meeting of how each member came to know the church was true. it was AWESOME.... then she didnt come to church the naxt day and now she wont answer her phone. please pray for Mirtha

I painted this for the primary program so here it is hung up at church