On Monday I lost my AGENDA!
It was terrible and we´ve been super lost without it! I plan everything and have all the references and phone numbers and blahhhh.... it was terrible terrible terrible.
I think lost it on a bus.
Im also sad because it was the Agenda I have used the best. SUPER full and organized and... I feel like a lost a chunk of my mission!
Today we went Bowling. Elder Guther and I quoted Jim Gaffigan. Laughs were shared. I tied with my comp (really she won but I was winning like the whole time and then she said we should tie so I threw gutter balls but then she passed me up!)
We also ate pizza in a cone.
This week God answered prayers and worked miracles.
We are working with a lot of people and I feel like I am running 1000 miles an hour.
I´m planning weddings (like decorations, food, the judge EVERYTHING because she´s 19 doesnt have a Mom and doesnt know how.... neither do I, but if we don´t do it they´ll never get married and keep breaking a commandment so... Pray that I can be like J-Lo in THE WEDDING PLANNER. because I feel like her)
We also are teaching one investagator over the phone which is weird, like a long distance relationship, but he REALLY wants to be baptised and has been attending church for like half a year or more, He just doesnt have ANY time to meet with us... but we cant baptism him without him knowing what he is covenanting with God. so... (is covenanting a word?)
We also help a jovensita with life advice without actually telling her WHAT TO DO (because thats not our place) even though she asks! for example: We cant tell her "you should come clean and stop lying to your Dad" so Instead we just teach about the importance of Honesty. We cant tell her to find a new boyfriend (or better yet, stay single for a bit and GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF) hahaha but we CAN just teach her about her worth and that she is literally a daughter of the Creator of this Universe- and so we just teach and guide and urge.
We also talk to like a bajillion people and testify that Christ church, lost for a long time, is here on earth again and invite them to ask for themselves.
I think a lot of them don´t do it because they avoid us, reject us and or/never come to church or read the Book of Mormon.
They hear words, but they don´t listen sometimes.
Its tough but something I learned this week was the importance of Patience.
Why is Patience so important in missionary work? because these people who `aren´t getting it` are souls of our Heavenly Father.
What does that mean?
The worth of a soul is that every soul is potencially a future god.
Now I don´t know how all things work, or how it was eternities ago,but I do know this true Doctrine:
"As man now is, God once was; as God is now man may be"
And I am glad that patience exists and that My God is Perfect, Glorious, Loving and Almighty!
If I can help even a little bit in the journey of my brothers and sisters to become all that they can be (future gods) it is worth all the patience I can muster.
Alma 26:30 And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that PERHAPS we might be the means of saving SOME soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.
one soul.
that would be worth it
because one soul is one future god. That´s worth it.
I love My Father in Heaven SO much and want to help Him in His work and His glory, which is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. (Moses 1:39)
So basically... I am tired but happy and this is still SO cool and SO worth it
and I still can´t believe He loves me enough to let me be a part of it! (but I believe it.... I believe it! why does she keep saying I wont believe it?)
Hermana Valenzuela
Pizza in a cone.. Miracles happen.
I had to trade in some of the crappy pans we have in the office... as a result I went everywhere today with pots in my backpack (potS not Pot ) and a frying pan. It was kind of awesome.
I made so many Tangled jokes.
We don't know how to bowl, but we WON!
We went bowling.
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