Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Weak week, heavy weekend. 


Monday... idk... P-day stuff
Tuesday-Priesthood blessing from the Zone Leaders because we don´t have District Leaders right now. Elder Medina (our old DL got tranfered to Philedelfia because his comp hated the mission and went home after 4 days) so now we are District Orphans (annie) and have to travel to Remansito on Tuesdays for District meetings. ANYWAY... The blessing was just for comfort and strength. I have asked for them periodically throughout my mission because I really need all the Lords help I can get and during those calm peaceful moments set apart for listening to a called and worthy servant of the Lord speak the impressions of the Spirit in audible words to strengthen my soul  and for me to focus on the Saviors love for ME are moments I treaure and truly need sometimes to keep going. The work is Marvelous, but it isn´t easy. 
Wednesday-We visited Mariana and Nayeli. They are THE cutest. Their whole FAM is getting reactivated poco a poco and they will be prepared to make their first covenant with Our Redeemer on the 21st! YES! Also their Grandma was talking to us because Jessica (their sister) was getting married and we were talking about the wedding and she said "im not going to go" and Jessica asked why? and Hermana Mencia Replied: " Im not going to sit outside and kill misquitoes while I look at you" 
HAHAHAHA it made me laugh so hard. She also said "Plus I hate your music, it sounds like a boratcho with a stomach ache!" hahahahaha
Shes the greatest human! I LOVE her and her testimony is SO strong. Like she just speaks and every fiber of my BEAN fills with a warm spirit (maybe it doesnt seem like it from these two stories, hahah but she is so sweet)
Thursday- I need a rememberal because.... I really dont know ANYTHING to report
Friday- planning and we also recieved a HUGE bag of Guayavas from Nayeli. She said you have to drink a lot of water too when you eat them. When we asked why she just made a constipation face. hahahah Gross. Good thing Girls Don´t even Poop. We also said Farewell to Sara Samaniego who is leaving for her mission in Brazil. Her Dad looked at me and told me I should say something during the "dispedidas" and I just started bawling and talking about how the mission was the greatest decision I have ever made. Then we ate meat. But this time it was actually good. (I get pretty sick of slabs of mediocre meat) ASADOS
Saturday- We went to the temple for a special ward activity where the missionaries walked around with all the Menos Activos and Investigators (except it was only menos activos) and explained what happens in the temple. And we ate DANK Ice Cream. That night our Power went out for no reason. We live next to like... this Bachelor Pad/Man cave and didn´t want to go out and remind the drunk men outside that their were 2 blonde americans living alone in the little orange house that now were helpless and without power. I said a prayer in my heart for then and also in general for my life that God will help me feel when I am in Danger. We decided to just suck it up. So we took cool showers in our Pjs and tried to sleep while misquitoes ate us. 
Sunday- was Yesterday. We woke up groggy... -Can you say wake up if you didn´t sleep?- at 6 so that we could do our usually church round up trying to get people to come and keep/renew their covenants and enjoy of the spirit that rejuvinates the soul for the week, Focusing on THE most important event in the history of the universe, the Atonement of Our Savior. WELL...
Back Story; We have a running joke that every Cat-Call/Whistle/here they hiss like we are dogs is One hair in the beard of our future husbands....
If that were true I am going to marry Sasquatch. hahahaha
Im not even saying like "Im so hot" because honestly I am a sweaty Chancha/Changa here, but the men here are gross and pigs (on a general rule) and shout terrible things in English and Spanish and Guarani! Suddenly, I am not SO grateful to be able to understand 3 languages, It´s maddening to be degraded in 3 languages!  I sound so femenist, but really. I hate it. GIRL POWER!!!
Well since flipping them off it not what Jesus would do and getting mad at them would just make them rowdy and riled up, we walk on ignoring them with our heads held high. 
Sometimes God turns us invisible. Which is cool.
Ok back to Sunday morning. We walked pass a group of 6 cronies and they started with their words... "Baby, you gonna just ignore me again...." "Hermosa" "Que LINDAS Etc...." (Cue*Silver Volvo* hahahah Twihard)
When 5 of the six doops had passed I got cornered by the last. I thought it was the awkward "Are you going left or am I?"dance that you do down a middleschool hallway. Then he grabbed my leather satchel and breathed his booze stricken breath into my face;
"TELEFONO" he said, his eyes droopy with the stooper of the grip Satan had over his concious due to his bad choices.
I got like... really ticked and confused that this was even happening, especially after a night of being a misquitoe buffet  and not sleeping. I grabbed my satchel " I DONT EVEN HAVE THE PHONE!" I snapped back (but in spanish, Duh, Im in Paraguay)
Meanwhile my comp PUNCHES the Guy and says "SUELTELO!(LET IT GO)" 
YEAH! hahaha SHE PUNCHED HIM! hahahahaha
Then all his "friends" started saying like "DUDE what are you thinking you cant rob them!!!" etc

We walked away, waving to the lazy security guard sitting on the bench who had just watched the whole thing go down and never even stood up!

We went to get Ana and Andrea.... they couldnt come. They live "with their aunt" but in their own little hut attatched to many other hut. They do their own cooking and cleaning and laundry. Their ages are 8 and 11. 
Their relatives live in all the little shacks around theirs.
As we left their house we herd some guy yelling after us.
IT WAS DOOPY DOOP #6! THEY GUY THAT HAD JUST TRIED TO ROB US! Waving us down with the hand not holding the lit cigarette he was smoking. He asked for forgiveness. We hadn´t even regognized him and he was like "I just tried to rob you" 
"Yeah Im really sorry about that. I ask for forgivness! I was under bad influences."
"You´re forgiven" I said smiling... with love, sure, but also because the whole thing was just so crazy!
He shook my hand and then just started holding it and looking me in the eyes... almost snake status so I pulled it away to Reajust my Cat-eye spectacles. 
He explained that he had only done it because his "friends" had told him thats what he had to do to be in their Gang and he "Demasiado Mucho" (a paraguayan phrase of terrible gramatics) wanted to be in that gang.
We said we all make dumb choices sometimes because we listen to the wrong influences. He asked for forgivness like 50 times and we forgave him 50 times. We went to church.
Think back to his "Friends" though. They DID NOT have his back during the robbery! Which... Im glad because Idk if we couldve taken 6 of them, but .... on the principle... they KNEW what they had told him to do was Stupid. They were not lifting him up. They were not good friends.
"Good friends lift you up when you feel like you´ve had enough. They keep you going through the thick and thin. Good friends gather round you! Leave you better than they found you! They are by your side until the very end! THATS a good friend" - Cheesy EFY song
I invite all my readers to reevaluate their "friends" and decide to listen only to the voices that fit the former cheesy discription. 
I add another cheesy yet TRUE lyric from the BEST MUSICAL EVER hahahah Saturdays Warrior "If they tak you away from your Family and home, they´ll leave you alone in the end." (Also.. listen to the song Voices from that musical)
Today is Monday. We still didnt have power last night. I sent of letters in the office this morning. 
We FINALLY got our Power issue fixed. Hopefully its my last sleepless night due to power problems. I feel like this always happens! 

I really love the mission. Im trying to not look at that trunky Calander Dad made me (that says ill be home in 20 weeks) because even though I think of you all ALL the time, I will have an ETERNITY with you all (if we play our cards right). but I only get one shot, I cant miss my chance to blow! The oppertunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.

Work hard during the day given to you.

Im moving to Arizona. hahahaha Thats how I have been finishing all my sentences all week with HNA Fardos. 

Well this email is Rare because I didn´t fall into my routine of testifying for the majority of the time, but I at least want to testify that I, Libertee, know God lives. The Gospel is True. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and opened the Last and Great dispensation. We have the Light so many seek. So shine bright my loved ones. FILL your lamps. SIEMBRA GOZO!!! Siembra gozo siempre al andar;. Paz y gran consuelo da a todo ser.
And ... If someone tries to rob you
               "Punch Him"- Direct Quote Phoebe Davenport.

ADIOS until next week

Hermana Libertee Valenzuela

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