Thursday, February 26, 2015

This is Mirtha!

What made the red man red?

Holding a baby alligator

It was so hot that we held our district meeting outside


TIME LIBERTEE VALENZUELA has existed in some form: Eternity
TIME In the FLESH: 21years
TIME Serving a mission: 1 year and 2 months
TIME in YBY YAU: almost 6 months
TIME until Changes (transfers): 1 day

      what do I want to happen?: nothing.

 I don´t want to go (because change is hard) nor do I want to stay ANOTHER change here (because I feel in a rut, not because I don´t LOVE everyone here)
I´m always scared I will train (for reals because HNA Fardos was like... fake training) Im scared for her and for me.
I guess we will see.

I´m very very homesick of late, but my desire to help others hasn´t deminished and is keeping me working. 

I really really really love Jesus the Christ. I have been learning so much about Him of late and am blown away. I love The Father. I have been talking to Him so much and I feel He listens. My relationships with them have improved and as a result my relationships with myself and others are improving. Satan is rude.
 Life is a blessing I am trying my best to enjoy and help others enjoy as well. 
I love you all.

XOXO Hermana Libertee 

Im so grateful God gave my comp lice first so that I could see it wasnt such a huge deal and prepare to handle it well. He sure does know me and only give me what I can handle... even if sometimes I think He trusts in me too much. IM NOT THAT STRONG!.... "strength isnt something you have, its something you find"


So we went to a Zone conference this week and we were at a little station learning about how to set goals for the mission (and also for life)
Changes are in a week and Elder Caulderon was like "Hermana Valenzuela, soon you will have a different companion..." 

And we (H.Fardos and I)  were thinking... dang, we ARE going to get changed

then he continued "... A strong, Beautiful man who hold the priesthood worthily" 

*Record scratching sound* Whhhhhhaaaattttt? hahahahaha
He was talking about after mission but we were like WHAT THE HECK IS THIS NEW MISSION CHANGE!?? hahahahhahahaha

Now we just go around the house saying " A Strong Beautiful MAN!" 
Happy Valentines Day!

Also, there is less that one "China" until I am home... Which I realized this week because I went to China on Feb 13 and returned July 2nd
My mission release date is again July 2nd.

Also, I remembered how to say Ear in Chinese this week.

We helped the Elders with their Baptism, taught a lesson during it last minute and made jellos and stuff on Saturday. Mirtha came!
I really like my District and Zone leaders which is really good. Elders: Goss (Arizona), Carpio (El Salvador) and Cartero (Chile)
I hope they dont marry paraguayitas or do maquanadas and disapoint me but hey! sometimes we watch out heroes die and we dont know why. 

I really liked the lesson I learned in Sociedad de Soccoro this sunday on Chapter 4 of the teachings of Ezra Taft Benson book and I think it was just what I needed. 

I love ARTICLES OF FAITH by James E. Talmage. There is a member here that has a BEAUTIFUL leather bound version. I read it everytime we go there. 

I hope I am learning enough and making the best of my time here. There are somethings I´ll probably never be good at in my whole life, but at the very least I can get BETTER at them, so that´s good. 
I´m so grateful for the chance TO get better at them and for the mission in general. I couldn´t explain it with a thousand words, but everyone who has faithfully served seems to know what I am saying. I think it´s pretty common for all missions as long as the missionary goes with faith, determination and humility, said missionary will give God a crumb and return with a thousand loaves whether he wants to or not. That´s just how God works. So... Leap with faith, Work with determination and submit with humility and I testify good will come from your efforts. (D&C 4)

Ps. I am reading all of D&C, one section everyday, and if I do that... I´ll finish when times is up on the mission (THANKS DAD FOR TELLING ME COOL TURNKY TRICKS). Im on Section 4 today.
So one night I woke up and I wasnt sure if I was being Lib-Lice Paranoid.... or if my head was really itching. I had a 2 am sit with Lice-Shampoo on my head for extra long shower and then swept through my hair with the Lice come. ANYTHING I found made me cry. My comp was asleep and drousily asked once"¿Are you Okay?" 
I replied "¡I THINK I HAVE liiiiiiiiiiiiicccccceeeee!!!!!!" between sobs.
But she really was asleep and couldn´t´ve seen well anyway so she was like "I´ll check you in the morning" 
I snapped this picture, raked the CRAP out of my hair and squished anything I found not knowing if I was literally going insane or not and then prayed and cried myself to sleep, HARD.

In the morning we found legit empty nit eggs on my head (like 12). None of which squished with the sound of a live creepy crawler inside. Hna Fardos asked "How long did you keep that shampoo in!?!"


I was proud of how well I handled the whole thing. I made a ton of jokes because I was so nervous the whole time and made Hna Fardos laugh a lot, so thats good.
Then I just sang the rest of the time (like I do for Harminee when she cuts my clean-non-fried- lice- free- brunette, not BLONDE hair back at home)

So.... Yeah. 

now I am so scared that they are still on all my clothes and sheets so I stripped my bed and put everything in sealed plastic bags. I have been sleeping on my plastic covered pillow sans sheets or covers. It´s the worst, but you know what´s REALLY the worst:


(that... and pickle juice in your eyes)

My biggest fear has officially changed because although the whole ordeal was tramatic, it wasnt as scary as my new biggest fear. 


I am not gross.